Shamanic Healing

When you're feeling lost, stuck, drained, or vulnerable, the idea of trying something new can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to an alternative healing modality like shamanism. The world of shamanic healing may seem mysterious, even magical, and stepping into the unknown can feel somewhat daunting for some people.

But rest assured, your first session with Richard requires nothing more than your presence. Whether you attend an in-person appointment or a remote session from the comfort of your home, there’s no need to worry about 'doing' anything.

In fact, for remote in absentia sessions, you might even be sleeping due to time zone differences while Richard facilitates this sacred Work on your behalf from afar.

All you need do is lie or sit comfortably and let the healing unfold while Richard works.

Subsequent sessions may vary depending on the specifics of any persistent symptoms you or your loved ones may be experiencing, such as stress, anxiety, fear, depression, grief, burnout, physical illness, addictions, relationship issues, personality changes, negative thought patterns, emotional instability, unhealthy habits and coping mechanisms, or worries and concerns related to peaceful end-of-life care and transition.

Richard’s sessions invite corrective, protective, and preventative spirit-guided shamanic healing to address ancestral and present-day maladies of the mind, body, spirit, and soul.

Through precision energy blockage removal and soul-power retrieval, peace and balance in your career, business, finances, relationships, and health are invoked.

Ready to schedule a call or book a session? Please visit our First Contact Welcome Page.

⚠️ If speaking on a call or meeting online is a challenge in absentia healing sessions, without any verbal or visual communication required of you before, during, or afterwards, are available so you can access the healing you need to move forward with your life. For booking information click here.

What is shamanic healing?

Shamanic healing is an ancient traditional spiritual practice rooted in indigenous cultures around the world. A shamanic practitioner or shaman facilitates healing in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energetic fields and astral planes in many different local and non-local, linear and non-linear, ordinary and non-ordinary realms.

The shamanic perspective assumes in the first instance all illness, of the mind, body, and soul are, at source, a spiritual issue. Negative life situations, circumstances, and contexts that are difficult to break free of and explain may well have a spiritual basis. A shaman possesses both an understanding and knowing that physical, emotional, and mental imbalances and illnesses arise from spiritual disharmony and energetic disruptions.

A shamanic healing may involve but isn’t limited to:

  • Shamanic Journeying: The practitioner enters an altered state of consciousness to communicate with spirit guides, power spirits, or ancestors on behalf of the client.

  • Energy Clearing and Intrusion Extraction: Identifying and removing negative or stagnant energy from the client's energetic and psychic fields or physical body.

  • Soul Retrieval: Retrieving lost or fragmented parts of the individual's pure essence that may have been lost due to shock, trauma, dissociation, and disconnection.

  • Power Retrieval: Assisting in reclaiming personal power, clarity, zest, and vitality.

  • Ancestral, Lineage, and Past-Life Healing: Addressing recurring issues, patterns, or traumas passed down through generations by working with ancestral spirits.

Sessions are typically take place in a ceremonial space that may include the use of drums, rattles, prayers, chants, singing and other tools to create a conducive environment for healing, spiritual connection, and lasting transformation. Shamanic healing can be a powerful complement to conventional medicine, treatments, and therapies.