We help you eradicate suffering and firmly establish a profound level of personal, professional, and business freedom.

Controlled  Explosion  

A tailored fusion of creative inquiry, alchemy activation, and optional shamanic healing practices. Catalysed by a unique-to-you blend of independent, objective, strategic, and tactical mentoring, training, consulting, and Non-Executive Director support where appropriate.

Our clients and students enjoy a ‘controlled explosion’ in their capacity to experience:

Mental, emotional, and physical healing. Consistent creation despite inevitable often prolonged periods of painful wrangling and not knowing. An expanded awareness of and connection to Spirit and soul purpose. A greater sense of peace and well-being. More harmonious relationships. Enhanced creativity, flexibility, flux, flow, and fun. Higher quality clients and projects. Heightened efficiency and amplified productivity. Improved profitability and increased income.

We call this Manifesting Manifold Mastery.

A tailored fusion of creative inquiry, alchemy coaching, and shamanic healing practices. Over a twelve-week period our clients explore how to ‘eliminate suffering' and enjoy a ‘controlled explosion’ in their capacity to experience: A greater sense of peace and well-being. More harmonious relationships. Enhanced clarity of vision. Renewed self-direction. An intentional, proactive, sustainable, and expansive (re)connection to your authentic True Self.

Twelve Conversations

To create new ways of seeing, hearing, speaking, doing, and being.

The newness of these conversations will likely be highly uncomfortable and disruptive to your established 'comfortable in the discomfort' status quo. Mutiny against your mundane modus operandi, allowing a more authentic, raw, and real you to emerge. Emancipate yourself from the trickery thicket of your under-feeling, overthinking, inky maze of a mischievous, multifaceted mind.

By renewing your relationship with everything in your life, what you have, do, and are, you will learn to reconnect with and return to a more sacred way of living. Embodying the Spirit of who you truly are. Before you were unwittingly buried alive under the weight of the over-told trial and tribulation struggle stories of old that you've grown unconsciously attached to and controlled by.

‘If the black box of your consciousness could establish a consistently profound experience of personal peace, freedom, and connection alone it would have already.’

Eradicate  Suffering