‘During existential crises personal relationships and work suffered. Not anymore.’

Richard carried out a shamanic journey on behalf of Paulo with the open-ended question ‘What do I need to know right now about unleashing my creative potential?’

This was Paulo’s response to reading the healing journey story:

‘I was carrying a knot of anxiety in my stomach, enduring weeks of rising tension that culminated in an existential fear of being creatively blocked. Meditation wasn’t helping, and my diaphragm felt tightly pulled into my chest.

Our conversation gave me hope, perspective, and confidence to continue. I was inspired. That weekend, leading up to my Monday deadline, I prepared my creative pitch. Everything became cohesive and flowed naturally. I found my rhythm and became passionately obsessed with the project, reminiscent of my college days.

When I presented my work, the client loved it and was astounded by the quality of ideas I’d explored in such a short time. Most importantly, I loved the project and its outcome. I hadn’t felt that depth of passion and confidence in my creative abilities for a long time. It reminded me of the thrill and enjoyment of working hard on a final design project at university.

The conversation and the Shamanic Question Journey Report you presented helped me establish a new way of being and creating. Since then, I’ve been invited to participate in numerous high-profile creative projects.

The influx of opportunities and the way I’ve been able to handle and respond to them have definitely been influenced by our conversation and your journey report. I’m no longer shy about going all in.

Now, world-class companies are reaching out to me, and I have people eager to work with and for me. I’m enjoying much more peace of mind and am very excited about future possibilities. I feel secure, clear, and confident in who and where I am in my career.

The metaphors in the journey were particularly enjoyable. They helped me see my problem in a different light, allowing me to be more objective and less consumed by it. It felt like the problem was taken out of me and put ‘over there’ as a story. This new perspective gave the problem shape and color, making it easier to manage and less defining.

Reading the journey report, I was able to make an intellectual connection from a completely different point of view.

The negative emotions and incessant thoughts that had a debilitating impact on my body were now on paper, with no power over me.

This process unlocked something deep inside me, shifting my manner, confidence, and way of being for the better.

I’m more secure in my relationships, closer to my children, and less prone to anger and frustration. I’m now able to be and enjoy the moment, confident in my interactions with others. The relational dynamics with myself, my family, and colleagues have significantly improved.

The journeying process and our conversations have loosened something deep inside me, allowing a more authentic version of myself to emerge. This has catalysed an enhanced way of being in relation to my creativity and potential, moving me in a direction I absolutely want to go.

When I’m happy with my work, my home life is much better.

During existential crises like the one I shared with you, my personal relationships often suffered. But not anymore.

This has been incredibly helpful. Thank you.’

Paulo Pimentel, Creative Director, Pimentel & Partners

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘An incredible energetic reset that lifted me up and out of this world.’


‘I have the courage to get through difficult times and move on with my life.’