‘Facing a terminal diagnosis, Richard’s work benefitted me on many levels.’

‘As someone who responds intuitively I immediately felt drawn to work with Richard after seeing his video on Facebook. Faced with a recent terminal diagnosis I was struggling to come to terms with, I felt that Richard’s work would be of benefit on many levels.

The beautiful stone building Richard uses for his in-person sessions creates a calming and safe space for his work. Richard is very well organised and professional and I immediately felt at ease. He explained clearly how he worked and what to expect in the session. At the same time, I felt he created a sense of genuine care for me as a client.

After my first session the panic that kept resurfacing was greatly improved and I felt lighter and more positive. The heavy energy I’d felt around me had gone. The session had been quite intense and as Richard had warned I felt the need to rest afterwards and let the healing settle.

My second session was much calmer and less physically intense but Richard’s recounting of the journey gave me a context for beginning to understand the spiritual roots of my illness which will help me to process it in a different light going forward. Again, I felt very physically tired afterwards.

I think it’s very important to understand that the impact of this work extends far beyond the actual time spent with Richard and the healing is ongoing. Offering a follow up call so that clients can discuss any issues that may arise later, rather than expecting clients to book another session, is an example of Richard’s level of care and commitment.

I would highly recommend him.’

Christine Anne Davies, Holistic Health Therapist

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘A noticeable shift in my anxiety and a newfound interest in group activities.’