‘Restored confidence and agency, shame-based family trauma patterns broken.’

‘I felt drawn to reach out for support in breaking the habitual, shame-based patterns of dealing with difficulties alone. Despite being familiar with the efficacy of working across non-physical realms, I had reservations about shamanic healing. However, synchronicity led me to Richard, and it felt like the right choice.

I was grappling with ongoing family trauma, particularly in my maternal lineage, which manifested as anxiety and shame, hindering my ability to fully engage with life. During the session, I felt comfortable and at ease in Richard's presence.

His energy was spacious, humble, and skillful, creating a strong ceremonial atmosphere. My journey was intense, with vivid sensations and profound insights.

After the session, I realised the importance of being guided by someone else in this process. The correlation between our journeys, such as finding a lost teenage version of myself, brought clarity and healing.

Our discussions before, during, and after the session were enlightening. Confirmations about my past lives and violations of sovereignty resonated strongly. The drumming and soundings filled me with a visceral experience that continues to mystify me.

Throughout the session, I felt cared for, heard, and satisfied. I felt fully informed and comfortable to proceed with further sessions or training. If I were to describe the session to a friend, I'd say it struck a perfect balance between professionalism and magic, offering both comfort and potency.

The session has been immensely valuable to me. It has restored my sense of agency, enabling me to navigate changes in my life and family dynamics with more confidence and less self-doubt. I would wholeheartedly recommend Richard's healing sessions to family and friends because they feel authentic and are guided by someone deeply connected to the otherworld.’

Bell Selkie Lovelock, Soul Guide, Nature-based Human Development Mentor

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘His succinct eye-opening advice dynamited open the doors of momentum.’


‘I feel empowered, in control of my business and finances, with greater strategic clarity.’