Consciousness MOD

The mystic visionary artist’s first Limited Edition fine art collection is expressed through a series of nested multi-layered and multi-faceted sacred geometry-inspired ‘clarity compositions’.

The Calcite Collection (black, white, greyscale) configurations presented with engineered precision articulate the inherent complexity, contradiction, and conflict experienced through the knife-edge crusade of ego separation vs soul connection, aka the seemingly omnipresent human condition.

Component consciousness stages, phases, facets, levels, layers, loops, and loci of awareness perpetually impregnate the infinite invisible universe of experiential potentialities.

Ordinary and non-ordinary spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical realms are dissected and reassembled as a revolving, evolving, looping, and rotating isolated (un)intentional idiosyncratic toroidal holofractographic instance of integrative inspirational insight.

The conceptual Coriolis models interwoven within this ‘Life’s Work’ awareness assemblage were divined, derived, designed, defined, and documented in the artist’s Work Life Wide Open writings, authored while refurbishing and inhabiting ‘The Cave’, Koh Phangan, Thailand.

Together this oeuvre forms the basis of his evolving ‘Consciousness Codex’ body of work.

On his return to Wales, artist, architect, author, alchemist Richard Conner now aka Ricardo Rochilez embarked on an isolated forty-day juice fast, complete with weekly dry no liquid no food periods of up to four days at a time.

Energised and highly sensitised, in between long walks through Laugharne, along the estuary of the River Tâf in Carmarthenshire, idling past the legendary twentieth-century poet Dylan Thomas’s writing shed, he 2D sketched, 3D-modelled, 4D sequenced, and holistically envisaged the 5D multi-dimensional manifesting manifold structure of this otherwise invisible ‘vibrating voxel of volition’.

⚠️ These works were NOT created by Artificial Intelligence as it is known, or by computer algorithms, but channelled through the act of ecstatic trance, shamanic journey, meditation, contemplation, life experience, fasting, writing, sketching, 2D ▶ 5D modelling, and digital artistry.