In Absentia Sessions

⚠️ If speaking on a call or meeting online is a challenge right now in absentia healing sessions, without any verbal or visual communication required of you before, during, or after, are available so you can access the healing you need to move forward with your life. For booking information click here.

You are not required to log in, check in, message, meet, or speak with Richard in person or online during, or immediately before or after your session. Richard’s Work will be undertaken remotely, in isolation, and undisturbed.

Ideally, during your session, you’ll have nothing to do but relax alone in silence. You’re reminded to switch your devices off or set them to do not disturb.

If possible, take the opportunity to be present with yourself, undistracted by anyone, anything, or any mundane day-to-day thoughts, tasks, or activities. Tune into the session at hand while holding your intention or question in mind.

If, due to time zone differences, your session is to be carried out at night, be sure to invoke your healing preparation dream before you drift off to sleep.

Should doing nothing for a few hours be a struggle, you could try reading, taking a nap, sketching, drawing, or painting. Aim to think of your healing intention or question as often as you can, or every fifteen minutes or so.

If you have to be at work and can periodically give it some thought safely while doing whatever it is that you’re doing, then please aim to do so.

If obligations prevail and you simply aren’t able to allocate this time to yourself, then so be it. Rest assured the Work will proceed regardless. Do your best to remain conscious that Spirit is being petitioned on your behalf.

Shamanic Journeying On Your Behalf (questioning Spirit OYB)

Prior to the appointed time, Richard will prepare the field by calling to his Allies in the Spirit realms. At the time of your appointment, he will journey to his Allies and pose your question. He will record what he 'sees' and then prepare an audio or written healing story ‘answer’ report of the journey that he will email to you for interpretation.

Shamanic Healing (soul-power retrieval, ancestral/present-day energy blockage removal)

Prior to the appointed time, Richard will undertake a process of surrogate seeking. The surrogate, which may take the form of a fallen tree branch, rocks and stones, or a collection of such items found in nature, becomes the central focus of the Work. He will then cleanse the healing space and surrogate, spending time in prayer while preparing himself and the field in readiness to undertake the Work safely and securely. A Spirit-led period of Work will follow that may include phases of soul-power retrieval and ancestral, lineage, and present-day energetic blockage clearing and removal.

Healing stories include an invitation to schedule a follow-up conversation.

Remember, you don’t need to log in, check in, message, meet, or speak with Richard in person or online during, or immediately before or after your session.

When the Work is complete he will let you know and communicate next steps.