Architect & Author & Artist & Alchemist

'Exploring the limitless requires courageously crafting your soul-vision through the crucible of life's trials and tribulations. In real-time and dream-time. Inside out to outside in, then back again. Continually surrender to the unknowable. Allow it to be realised, not forcibly by you, but powerfully through you as its manifesting manifold.‘

Richard Conner (aka Ricardo Rochilez) is a Rebirthing Breathworker (Orr), Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis (Bandler, McKenna, Neill), certified Trauma Aware (Adams), and will soon complete a Three Year Professional Shamanic Practitioner Training (Sacred Trust, Buxton and Wolfströme). He is also currently undertaking an MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology with the Alef Trust and Liverpool John Moores University.

ROCHILEZ & CONNER reflects the integration of multifarious archetypes within oneself.

The moniker represents the tumultuous 'battle of wills' warring within. Each aspect striving to honour soul, spirit, and service while succeeding in the 'real world' system we’re born into and continually co-creating.

  • Transformerpreneur was conceived to offer everything Richard Conner had learned as a designer, creative, business manager, and entrepreneur to help those in the creative industries and alternative health, including yoga teachers, artists, designers, and various alternative healers. He mentored, coached, and consulted on creativity, design, business, money, and finance on an ad-hoc basis while determining how to best channel and direct his skills and experience.

    After 15 years of personal development exploring NLP, Hypnosis, Rebirthing Breathwork, and many other modalities, shamanism began to demand attention, growing gradually louder until it could no longer be ignored. Over the years, since exiting Piercy Conner and Assembly Studios and developing Flowcastic (a visionary approach to money, finance, and resource management), Conner continuously sought to understand and articulate the true essence of Transformerpreneur. 

    As a business vehicle, Transformerpreneur had been constantly evolving, driven more by internal changes than external ones. Conner experimented with ways to integrate creative instincts, insightful yet logical reasoning, and real-world application to provide practical, life-enhancing service and value to others, rather than merely meeting his own needs. Transformerpreneur served its transitional purpose, ultimately exploring the type of individual change-maker and organisation Conner wanted to work with and serve.

    Conner distilled the core of his work, now with the added element of shamanism, into several key aspects: the vision realisation of the architect (in its broadest sense), the organisation of thoughts of the author (to change perspectives and invite conscious action), the transmutation and beautification of the dualistic conflicts of the human condition by the artist, and the restoration of balance, harmony, and peace of mind, body, soul, and spirit by the alchemist.

    The reconnection and reintegration of these aspects are fundamental to Conner’s work. Any and all of the archetypes of the architect, author, artist, and alchemist exist within everyone, inviting individuals to work with one or all of them at different times.

    Rochilez & Conner is the name given to Richard Conner's spiritual business endeavour, reflecting the integration of various archetypes within oneself. This venture represents the sometimes tumultuous 'battle of wills' that exist within, with each aspect striving to honour soul, spirit, and service while succeeding in the 'real world' system we are born into and continually co-creating.

    Richard Conner embodies the business, project, and financial manager, or the technologist, scientist, and mathematician. On the other hand, Ricardo Rochilez is the singer, dancer, comedian, artist, writer, and poet. Both personas are essential for a sense of wholeness. Rochilez & Conner, therefore, represents the alignment and integration of these often opposing aspects of self—the logical and the creative, the light and the dark, the seen and the unseen, the physical and the non-physical, the linear and the non-linear, the in-time and outside-of-time.

    (extract from DISRUPT article)

Richard founded Flowcastic™ the first vision-led financial wellbeing support consultancy.

In a past life, he co-founded Piercy Conner and Assembly.

Architect quits London business, moves to Thailand, finds himself living in a cave.

Selling everything he moves to Thailand free to take the time and space needed to rediscover his creativity and allow his Real Work to re-emerge. Immersed in no-time he constructs a dinosaur on a beach, writes his magnum opus Work Life Wide Open series of books, and enjoys being creative just for the love and fun of it again.

  • The outcome of his journey is a series of books that explain in detail why making Significant Life Change amidst the High Definition Life technological decentralisation revolution and environmental climate crisis that’s taking place all around us is now so imperative it is denied, ignored or avoided at our individual and collective peril.

    His writing focuses on how to instigate and benefit from lasting positive pro-active change locally and globally. Leaving no stone of his personal journey unturned he candidly reveals, warts and all, what to expect in our internal and external world during this inevitable personal and impersonal metamorphosis.

    Understanding and appreciating the conflicted life context and content inherent to this incoming change is covered in depth throughout all of the creative modalities employed in his work.

    Discovering and understanding how to handle the transition to equanimity, balance, and peace while pin-balling from chaos to order and back again and making it work for rather than against us as individuals and as a collective remains paramount.

    The process is described through simple, unique and never before seen conceptual models and strategic frameworks readily applicable to our day-to-day lives as we go about realising our soul-vision.

    Richard’s Work Life Wide Open series, over thirty years in the making, are practical, experiential, and anecdotal comprehensive guides to Finding Your Lost, Breaking Your Busy, and Working Your Way.

    These creative life manuals and way guides endeavour to lead you back to your Creative Core to uncover your Why, and reconnect with your Real Work so you can finally start re-purposing your life and re-reviving and re-living your Soul-Purpose.

    Now, Richard explores the multi-layered interrelated benefits of respecting, harnessing, honing, and mastering the Manifesting Manifold Value Resources of Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, Intention, Inaction, and Action within the prevailing and incoming context, content, and conflict of the Artificial Intelligent Algorithm driven High Definition Life.

    Can our individual lives and the greater whole be improved by fully embracing Conscious Change, Creativity, Communication, and meaningful Connection to Self and others?