Shamanic Sessions

Depending on the nature of the Work and Richard’s travel itinerary, sessions are conducted in-person (Brechfa, Carmarthen, Wales, SA32 7RA), virtually online via Zoom, or at Richard’s discretion, in absentia.

⚠️ If speaking on a call or meeting online is a challenge right now in absentia healing sessions, without any verbal or visual communication required of you before, during, or after, are available so you can access the healing you need to move forward with your life. For booking information click here.

In absentia means that the client is not physically or virtually (online) present to the Work. Normally when sessions are carried out remotely, shamanic healing stories are delivered over Zoom call and shamanic journeying on your behalf (OYB) answer reports are emailed directly.

Session format seemingly has no discernible effect on the outcome.

A convenient benefit of in absentia Work is that you do not have to be available as the Work is being carried out unless, of course, you are called to take pause and focus on your intention for the healing.

Often Richard undertakes sessions while clients are sleeping due to time zones. We simply arrange a convenient time and method to deliver the healing story. The main difference is that being physically present while the Work is being carried out isn't experienced.

If choosing an in-person healing please be sure you have checked current location and session availability with Richard beforehand.

Time commitments vary depending on the Spirit-led trajectory of a session. For example, in-person first shamanic healing or shamanic journeying self-counselling training appointments, regardless of format, typically demand 2 to 3 hours of your time and 3 to 5 hours of Richard’s, including preparation, clearing, reporting, and follow up.

In-person sessions are available Mon-Fri starting at 10am and 3pm. They are limited to two per day to allow for preparation, clearing, and recuperation. Weekend and evening appointments are special request.

In absentia sessions are generally more flexible and do not require you to be physically or virtually present. They can be scheduled at Richard’s discretion, regardless of your availability and timezone.

Included with your shamanic session:

  • A shamanic discovery call: If it’s your first time working with Richard, you’re invited to schedule a brief call on Zoom or WhatsApp (with or without video), ideally prior to you booking your session, but certainly before your actual appointment.

  • A ‘Client’s Guide to Shamanic Healing’ explaining all you need to know before, during, and after a session (preparation, expectations, integration, self-care, etc.)

  • A pre-Work sharing conversation and briefing to establish your healing intention or in the case of shamanic journeying on your behalf (OYB), to discern your most pressing question to Spirit so that Richard is able to journey for your answer.

  • A pre-arrival / pre-commencement space clearing, calling to the spirits, surrogate seeking (for in absentia Work), prayer recitals, intention setting, and preparation of the field in readiness for the Work to be carried out safely and securely.

  • A Spirit-led period of Work that may include phases of soul-power retrieval, ancestral, lineage, past life, present day energetic blockage clearing and removal.

  • A post-Work healing story, debrief, and ‘What Next?’ sharing conversation.

  • A post-session in absentia healing journey to address any outstanding issues.

  • A follow up check-in sharing call in the days or weeks following your session.

You are also always free to message Richard anytime before or after your session should you have any concerns or questions.

Do take a moment to review our client experiences and testimonials.

* ⚠️ Should the suggested offering be beyond your means, you are welcome to donate what you can comfortably afford. Payment by instalments is also acceptable. No donation is too little, and none will cause offence. Richard wants you to have access to the healing you need when you need it.

Shamanic Healing Sessions

Suggested Offering Guide*

Type Format Allow Offering
Your First / Cover-All Healing Session In person, in absentia 2-3 hrs, NA £180
Next / Focussed Healing Session In person, in absentia > 2 hrs, NA £140
Rebirthing Breathwork Session In person ONLY 2-3 hrs £180
Journeying OYB With A Question In absentia ONLY NA £120
Journeying Self-Counselling Training In person ONLY > 2 hrs £120

* ⚠️ If the suggested offering is beyond your means you are invited to donate what you can afford.

Payment instructions are also confirmed after you’ve booked.

Are you interested in taking the next step?

Schedule Call

Please book a brief consultation with Richard.

Alternatively, WhatsApp message him on +44 (0)7515 661078 or should you have any questions.