Payment Instructions

Thank you for your booking.

To review what's included with your session please revisit Richard's shamanic session suggested offering price guide.

Should the suggested offering be beyond your means you are kindly invited to donate what you can comfortably afford.

Cash, bank transfer, or Stripe

Please pay by cash in person, ask Richard to send bank account details via WhatsApp, pay by Wise (below), or pay online using Stripe. Click ‘Change amount’ to adjust the amount to suit your selected session.

Pay by Wise

You can also choose to pay through Wise (formerly TravelWise)

Richard’s Wisetag for payments is richardc1414

Alternatively you can use this link to pay me with Wise:

If you don’t have a Wise account:

You can sign up for an account using my referral link.

Wise has very low-to-no fees depending on transaction type.

Thank you.