Healing Preparation Dream

By way of preparation for your session this evening or tomorrow I suggest that as you retire and get ready to sleep that you request a 'preparation dream' that will ready you for the healing work, story, and answers to come.

You could speak this request externally out loud or internally in silence:

'I request a dream to prepare my mind, body, soul, and spirit for the healing work to come. Thank you, thank you.'

You may feel called to repeat this a number of times as you drift off to sleep.

The aim is to remain mindful that the healing work, regardless the form it takes, is forthcoming and you'd like your rest, sleep, and dreams to support your being receptive to receiving the healing, and integrating it into your life.

If you don't dream, don't recall any details of your dreams, or forget to request it, or you missed this message, there’s nothing to worry about.

The fact you've given it some thought now as you read this supports the healing to come or that’s already passed whether you dreamt about it or not.

If you feel so-called to share details of your dream with me I ask that you do so only share details after the healing work is complete.

I look forward to seeing or speaking with you soon.

Warmest, Richard.