‘A transformational deep healing catalyst leading to so much clarity and strength.’

‘The weight on my shoulders is gone. It’s lifted.

I’ve booked a holiday for me and my daughter, something I just don’t do!

Only today, speaking to you, has the fear gone.

I can’t thank you enough. Honestly, you’ve made a bridge for me to cross, and I just couldn’t build it or make it across on my own.

You’ve been a guide, and it’s crystallised into so much clarity. I feel stronger.

Since our session, I’ve experienced a whirlwind of changes.

Despite not sleeping well for a few nights, I’ve been filled with a creative energy that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I even started creating artwork spontaneously, which is something new for me. The dreams I’ve had have been vivid and intense, revealing deep-seated fears and emotions.

I went through a physically challenging period with intense pain and discomfort, but I realised it was a necessary release of old, stagnant energy.

It’s as if my entire body was purging years of accumulated stress and trauma.

After a few days, I felt a significant shift, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

One of the most profound changes has been in my mindset.

I feel a newfound courage to face my fears and uncertainties.

The constant worry and anxiety that used to plague me have diminished significantly. I feel more at peace with myself and my surroundings.

Additionally, the medical procedure I had been struggling to schedule for so long is now suddenly being treated as urgent, and it’s finally moving forward.

This feels like another significant step in my healing journey, as if everything is aligning to facilitate, support, and maintain my well-being.

The session with you has been a catalyst for deep healing and transformation. I’ve gained so much clarity and strength.

Your guidance and the healing work have been invaluable, and I look forward to continuing this journey.

Thank you so much, Richard.’

Client Update

Since our shamanic healing session almost two months ago, I've experienced significant changes in my life.

I've become more physically active and am pushing myself to achieve much more.

Some individuals have left my life, revealing their true nature.

I've realised that it's essential to prioritize my wellbeing and mental health.

For the first time, I am setting boundaries and protecting myself from relationships that do not serve my highest good.

This marks a profound leap forward for me, as I finally recognise and uphold my intrinsic value and safeguard my well-being.

Based on post-session communications with a client who wishes to remain anonymous.

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘A noticeable shift in my anxiety and a newfound interest in group activities.’


‘This helped clear energies in my body, from the cancer and the chemotherapy.’