‘This helped clear energies in my body, from the cancer and the chemotherapy.’

‘After the session, I developed a rash that, while alarming at first, I now see as a positive sign of the shamanic healing work that was carried out.

Initially, I wondered if the rash was caused by something external, like an epsom salt bath, or from something extraordinary that I’d ingested, but nothing else had changed except for the shamanic healing session.

Richard explained that this kind of reaction can be part of what’s referred to as a healing crisis, where the body detoxifies and releases old energies.

This made sense to me. I’ve been undergoing chemotherapy and have had a treatment break recently which I’m sure has allowed my body time and space to relax and release built-up tension, detox, and have a moment to heal.

Interestingly, I've had some physical sensations, like pain around my lower body, where my last chemotherapy treatment was targeted.

This further reinforces my belief that the shamanic session has helped move and clear energies in my body, both from the cancer and the chemotherapy treatment.

Emotionally, I haven’t felt any unusual ups and downs, but the physical sensations and the rash seem to be part of the detox process.

Overall, I feel that the session was powerful and beneficial.

I appreciate Richard’s support and insight during this time.

I’m looking forward to continuing my healing journey.

Thank you, Richard.’

Based on post-session communications with a client who wishes to remain anonymous.

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘A transformational deep healing catalyst leading to so much clarity and strength.’


‘I woke up feeling incredibly positive and ready to really work on myself. Thank you.’