‘A noticeable shift in my anxiety and a newfound interest in group activities.’

‘I’ve needed a few days to reflect on the effects of our session, as the changes have been subtle yet profound. Overall, I’ve felt grounded, with a noticeable shift in my anxiety—it's like a layer has been lifted. My productivity has increased, and I’ve found myself procrastinating less. It feels like a slow, gentle unwinding is taking place.

Interestingly, I’ve noticed a newfound interest and participation in group activities, something I’ve always struggled with or avoided. One of my intentions was to improve connections, especially in group settings, and I’m grateful for the shift that has begun. Thank you so much for helping me open up to this aspect of life.’

Based on post-session communications with a client who wishes to remain anonymous.

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘Facing a terminal diagnosis, Richard’s work benefitted me on many levels.’


‘A transformational deep healing catalyst leading to so much clarity and strength.’