‘His succinct eye-opening advice dynamited open the doors of momentum.’

Richard Conner's counsel and reflections are truly invaluable. He carries a substantial depth of integrated experience but still manages to approach each conversation with fresh eyes and an open mind and an open heart.

This rare combination of gifts plays out in his ability to comprehend singular challenges as they are, unfiltered through predetermined epistemological architectures.

Armed with this lucidity of observation, he distils clarity from the fog of ownership, isolating appropriate and timely action to generate forward movement, growth, and undeterred long-overdue transformational change.

In the course of a few focused conversations, Richard developed a sharp, unmediated perception of my organisation's current state. His succinct eye-opening advice then dynamited open the doors of momentum.

I walked away knowing not just what to do next, but with full confidence that the simple straightforward steps Richard advised would yield desirable results.

Anthony Schwartzman Founder, CEO, Vela Foundation

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘I noticed that the first time in a long while, nothing appears to be hurting!’


‘Restored confidence and agency, shame-based family trauma patterns broken.’