‘I feel empowered, in control of my business and finances, with greater strategic clarity.’

Meeting Richard Conner was an eye-opening experience that catalysed my learning for numbers. He laid down a very solid foundation of how money works and guided me towards increased understanding of my financial blindspots and weaknesses.

Each session brought unexpected value to my personal life and enhanced my developing transformation business. I feel much more empowered, in control of my finances, and enjoy greater emotional and mental clarity surrounding my relationship with money.

Richard's intuitive guidance led me to feel relaxed and at ease. I’ve applied these new strategies and action steps and am now moving forward in life and business with more knowledge, skill, security, confidence, clarity, and certainty.

Lukasz Kruk Aquatic Therapist, Astologist, Founder The Wandered Man Project

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘Restored confidence and agency, shame-based family trauma patterns broken.’


‘I feel elated and whole. So much made sense to me as I smiled my way home!’