
Find your centre. Walk to the beat of your own drum. Be the calm before, during, and after the storm. Embark on a six-week Transformational Group Alchemy Coaching Programme. Triage and turnaround the ‘Principal Problems’ underpinning disruptive patterns jeopardising your health, relationships, career, business, and finances. More.

Storms present in many forms:

  • Latent or lapsed primary aim and life purpose(s).

  • Not knowing, fear, doubt, distraction, and indecision.

  • Lack of creativity, clarity, certainty, confidence, comfort.

  • Business partnership breakdown, winding up, exit trauma.

  • Alcohol, porn, and other nocturnal acting-out addictions.

  • Persistent cash flow issues and pending financial meltdown.

  • Employment, work, career, and redundancy situations.

  • Inability to connect with what you really truly want.

  • Outer and inner intimate relationship conflicts.

  • Enduring spiritual neglect, bankruptcy, loss.

  • Starting. growing, or saving your business.

  • Delayed dream and goal realisation.

  • Dismantling imposter syndrome.

  • Overcoming option paralysis.

  • Anxiety and burnout.

Are you having a relentlessly hard time of it at home, at work, in business, or with money?

Or, has the storm finally passed and you’re dealing with the aftermath, trying your best to pick up the pieces and reorientate yourself?

Stormbreaker will help you create a new strong foundational way of being from which to launch powerfully into a new level of intentional creative endeavour.

All seemingly minor and major obstacles in these core life areas impact our relationships, health, wealth, peace of mind, and well-being. This makes it feel even more of a struggle to stay aligned and on purpose in the day-to-day detail of our lives and the bigger picture of our soul vision manifesting mission.

With a maximum of 7 places, this group coaching and mentoring programme will expand your capacity to establish the time, space, energy, and self-leadership needed to finally drop what’s not serving you, draw a line in the sand, and make a sustainable stand for what you want to and will create in life.

What will I get out of this?

With a powerful practical understanding of ‘listening to lead’, you’ll architect your new life from a firm foundation of self-knowledge, self-awareness, and self-direction.

You’ll be ready, willing, and eager to fully (re)engage with what you'd love to do, have, and be in your world in real-time as you are transcending the problems, struggles, obstacles, and challenges ‘live-in-the-field’ of your self-creation crucible.

Clarity, certainty, and confidence will become consistent bedfellows even in the face of fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Move gracefully from the known to the unknown and back again when it serves and suits you. A taste of true freedom.

How does it work?

In an online group coaching environment, you will be working with a clear and present problem(s) or struggle(s) that you are currently dealing with or are likely to face in the near future.

Working within a group provides many opportunities for direct and indirect revelation and insight via vicarious learnings that apply to one-and-all life contexts and life conflicts.

Stormbreaker will, as needed, also revolve around the Organisation, Orientation, Optimisation Value Resource Themes of Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, Intention, and (In)Action.

Through a fusion of creative inquiry, alchemy mentoring, coaching, and reflection, and guided catalyst assignments and resources where appropriate, you’ll learn how to experience what it means to become the calm, peaceful, resourceful, and productive eye of the storm you need, want, and deserve to be.

In favour of finding your true centre in the eye of the storm?

Book a call with Richard or step forward and invest in your place.

Through six weeks of group mentoring, coaching, and reflection you’ll explore these evolutionary phases in relation to your unique ‘Storm’ context:

Phase 01 - 02 ★ Story Foundation

▶ History • Beliefs • Patterns

Phase 03 - 04 ★ Vision Realisation

▶ Meaning • Purpose • Possibility

Phase 05 - 06 ★ Action Integration

▶ Consistency • Momentum • Results

If Stormbreaker sounds like it might serve you in one or more areas of your life Richard would love to have a short call to hear about the storm you’re stuck in that’s causing your pain and suffering. Together you’ll decide if Stormbreaker is right for you at this time.


Spaces are limited to 7 members per cohort

Stormbreaker is run on an ad-hoc demand-driven basis

Applications are now open for the next programme (dates TBC)

Live Support Sessions every Wednesday GMT 17:30 to 19:00 (TBC)

You’ll be invited to schedule a 20-30 min Onboarding Triage Call

Weekly (2+ hrs commitment)

Live Support Group Session (up to 90 mins) with Richard
Guided Catalyst Exercise Assignments (when appropriate)
Access to Alchemy FOUNDATIONS resource portal
Unlimited email, chat, and message support

Post Completion

One 1-2-1 Alchemy Coaching Session (up to 1hr) with Richard that can be used anytime up to 8 weeks after your programme completes.

Extras (£299+ value)

Flowcasting™ MONEY MAPPING System + Workshop
Choose Allies Wisely + T•Types Personality Quiz
Foresight Freedom Flow + The Facets of Life
GO FASTER Principle + Break Your Busy

Investment (pay in full in advance)

Start creating your break in the storm today for just…

£999 + VAT (early-bird)

Book your place now.

Book a call with Richard or step forward and invest in your place.