‘I have the courage to get through difficult times and move on with my life.’

‘My job is very stressful. This shamanic journeying counselling method allows me to be able to take myself away from it and just come back refreshed. With some advice from my Spirit Allies. I've definitely changed and I feel more complete. I just feel happier. And I’ve got my smile back!’

Carol Roberts • Founder and Brain Injury Case Manager at Oakwood

Shamanic Counselling

Discover the art of Shamanic Journeying combined with a powerful Self-Counselling Method designed to access your deepest insights and revelations and amplify their transformational healing impact on your life, relationships, career, and business.

The ancient practice of Shamanic Journeying provides a gateway to the non-ordinary non-physical realms of reality and the ability to interact with Spirit in various forms.

This sacred foundation of Shamanism is a profound spiritual tool that provides you with the authority and power to enter the realm of Spirit and seek solace, sanctuary, and self-knowledge, and to meet, connect, and develop an ongoing deepening relationship with your own Spirit Allies.

‘That which you seek to know about yourself lies undiscovered, seemingly out of reach, in the non-ordinary reality of Spirit.’

Often the answers to our most troubling queries and the solutions to our perennial problems lie undiscovered outside of our everyday ordinary state of consciousness and the corresponding physical reality that we find ourselves immersed within for the majority of our waking always working lives.

Allow Richard, accompanied by his Spirit Allies, to safely introduce and teach you on an individual 1-2-1 basis the Counselling Method of Shamanic Journeying.

The Training Programme

The Shamanic Journeying Counselling Method Teaching spans five sessions over four to five weeks (including the FREE introductory session). The introduction is a 1-hour foundational video that you can watch now. Each Journey Session lasts around two hours depending on the duration of pre-journey discussion, the journey itself, and the post-journey conversation.

An overview of Shamanism, Shamanic Journeying, some simple exploratory exercises, and detail of the Shamanic Counselling Method are presented in video form here.

This first FREE session ‘Path of Truth is an introduction to the Method only (i.e. you will not undertake a journey until your second session). After you have watched ‘Path of Thruth’ schedule your FREE Shamanic Discovery Session (up to 30 minutes) so that you and Richard can determine if you are a good match and will work well together.

There won’t be a shamanic journey until the second session, should you feel happy to proceed. There is no obligation for you to continue beyond the FREE foundational ‘Path of Truth’ video lesson or the FREE Shamanic Discovery Session.

In the following four sessions, you will experience a shamanic journey. A fifth and final session will be undertaken on your own in your own space, without Richard. You’ll be provided with all the instruction you need during the programme.

This will mark the completion of the training.

Listen to past student experiences

Listen to past student experiences

Journey Sessions include a check-in, a refresh of the Method Teaching, instructions for the next journey, the journey itself, a silent review of the journey, and a post-journey discussion.

It’s advised to avoid any external commitments (e.g. work, meetings, strenuous tasks, operating machinery, cycling or driving) for a few hours post-session. Allowing a whole morning, afternoon, or evening is best practice.

Ideally, each session will take place no less than one week apart but no more than two weeks between journeys to allow time for reflection, review, and integration, but not so long that momentum isn’t maintained. Richard will be available by email, message, or call in between sessions as needed.

At the end of the training, you will be able to carry out the Shamanic Counselling Method unassisted and enjoy the experience of Shamanic Journeying consistently and safely in your own time at your own pace as often as you feel called.

With the exception of the FREE introductory session, your fifth appointment with Spirit all of your Journey Sessions will be carried out at Richard's Immortal House Studio c/o Brechfa House, Brechfa, near Carmarthen, SA32 7RA, Wales, UK.

What’s Included?

  • An overview of Shamanism and a complete introduction to the Shamanic Journeying Counselling Method.

  • Four personalised one-to-one Shamanic Journey Sessions with Richard’s guidance, support, review, and discussion.

  • The skills required to intentionally and consistently undertake Shamanic Journeys into the Spirit realms to meet, communicate, and explore with your Spirit Allies.

  • The ability to safely and confidently practice the Shamanic Journeying Counselling Method on your own, unassisted, in your own time at your own pace as often as you like and for as long as you feel called to by Spirit.

  • The unending opportunity to garner insights and revelations before, during, and after your Shamanic Journeys through the realms of Spirit.

  • A Rochilez & Conner Completion Certificate confirming approximately 10 hrs of guided theoretical and practical shamanic skill set training has been undertaken.

  • Unlimited email, chat, and voice or video call support with Richard in-between sessions.

1-2-1 Shamanic Counselling Course

Due to Richard’s international travel commitments, the 1-2-1 Shamanic Journey Counselling Method Training Course is held only a few times a year. Please note this is NOT a group training. You will be working 1-2-1 with Richard.

There will be no other students present in your training.

Is this training right for you?

First. watch the one-hour Path of Truth foundational session.

Next, listen to past Student Experiences of the course.

Then schedule a no-charge Shamanic Discovery Session with Richard to have your questions answered and check if this training programme is right for you.

‘A very positive experience. I felt quite enlightened after every session.’

‘I can see beyond myself just as a person. I see myself more as an energy and having a relationship with Spirit.’

‘Just being told you’re okay. That’s the best thing a dragon could ever tell you!’

‘Easy to understand. I feel excited. It’s nice to be happy about knowing you’re not really in control.’

‘I embarked on my fifth journey session at home and met with my Dragon friend again. I received a name, which I have subsequently learned is very auspicious, and I also received a healing. I felt a heavy third eye pressure and some numbness around my sinuses. After a quick Google, I discovered this is apparently a very common experience with Dragon healings! Who knew? The numbness around my sinuses has gone now and I have not had a single sinus problem since. This had been an ongoing problem for years. I'm very impressed and grateful. Thank you again for everything.' Tom Brookes • Artist