Shamanic Counselling Course Student Experiences

Click here to learn more about the Shamanic Counselling Course and sign up to watch the one-hour Path of Truth foundational session.

‘I have the courage to get through difficult times and move on with my life.’

‘My job is very stressful. This shamanic journeying counselling method allows me to be able to take myself away from it and just come back refreshed. With some advice from my Spirit Allies. I've definitely changed and I feel more complete. I just feel happier. And I’ve got my smile back!’

Carol Roberts • Founder and Brain Injury Case Manager at Oakwood

‘This is a very different way of connecting. It’s amazing . I love it. It’s awesome.’

‘Having a way to gain insight and to see things differently. That changes everything.’

‘Thank you so much for teaching me the Shamanic Counselling Method. I was called to go on the final journey of the course at home. It was a lovely journey. I went to the Lower World and met with ally Panther who I asked to show me what I needed to know right now.

He took me to spend time with the Oak Forest. The forest showed me how to sink my roots deep into the earth and sway in the breeze, dancing with abandon and freedom through life's lessons not letting the tough times darken my soul but simply appreciating the joy and oneness of life.

Trees, being so 5D in their own special way, took me to that place of utter peace and oneness. It was a very powerful and beautiful experience. I feel very grateful that you have taught me this ability to go direct to the source and find the answers I need for myself when I need them. Thank you once again.’ Kirsty Prior • Ceramicist

‘I found the courage to go ahead and do what I felt I should do.’

‘I’ve started dreaming a lot and I think you learn a lot through your dreams as well as your journeys.’

‘The challenge now is understanding the hugeness of what I was being shown.’

‘Enlightened in some ways. I’m experiencing more lightness, and a lack of worry.’

‘After today’s session, I feel very buoyed and positive.’

‘It felt quite prescriptive initially, but when I looked at it in my own way it came much more naturally.’

‘Just being told you’re okay. That’s the best thing a dragon could ever tell you!’

‘Easy to understand. I feel excited. It’s nice to be happy about knowing you’re not really in control.’

‘I embarked on my fifth journey session at home and met with my Dragon friend again. I received a name, which I have subsequently learned is very auspicious, and I also received a healing. I felt a heavy third eye pressure and some numbness around my sinuses. After a quick Google, I discovered this is apparently a very common experience with Dragon healings! Who knew? The numbness around my sinuses has gone now and I have not had a single sinus problem since. This had been an ongoing problem for years. I'm very impressed and grateful. Thank you again for everything.' Tom Brookes • Artist

‘A very positive experience. I felt quite enlightened after every session.’

‘I can see beyond myself just as a person. I see myself more as an energy and having a relationship with Spirit.’