‘It blew my mind. I loved the way you work; it's gentle but very, very powerful.’

Thank you for an incredible session. It blew my mind. I loved the way you work; it's gentle but very, very powerful. I felt as if you took all my insides out, gave them a scrub, a good cleaning, and then put them back in differently. That's exactly how I've been feeling since the healing.

When you shared the part about Archangel Michael placing a sword of light along my axis from chest to toe, it blew me away. I love working with Archangel Michael personally and in my work, so that was very symbolic for me. The shapeshifter energy you cleared also made me feel very different.

Thank you again for an amazing session. I'll be sending more people your way because the work you're doing is so needed. When I'm working with my clients and feel that I can't do certain work, I will send them to you.

It's important to do different types of energy work, and your approach is unique and powerful. You're also more local to my clients, which is great.

Please let me know when I can come back for a second session.

That would be amazing. Thanks, Richard.

Based on post-session communications with a client who wishes to remain anonymous.

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘I feel a sense of relief. I’m no longer feeling stressed. It has helped me tremendously.’


‘An incredible energetic reset that lifted me up and out of this world.’