‘Just being told you’re okay. That’s the best thing a dragon could ever tell you!’

‘Easy to understand. I feel excited. It’s nice to be happy about knowing you’re not really in control.’

‘I embarked on my fifth journey session at home and met with my Dragon friend again. I received a name, which I have subsequently learned is very auspicious, and I also received a healing. I felt a heavy third eye pressure and some numbness around my sinuses. After a quick Google, I discovered this is apparently a very common experience with Dragon healings! Who knew?

The numbness around my sinuses has gone now and I have not had a single sinus problem since. This had been an ongoing problem for years. I'm very impressed and grateful. Thank you again for everything.'

Tom Brookes, Artist, Trix Street Art

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘Today’s session came much more naturally. I feel very buoyed and positive.’


‘A very positive experience. I felt quite enlightened after every journeying session.’