‘He guided me to my own unique truths, opening my world to new possibilities.’

I met Richard Conner just at the right time in my life!

I’d been working on my business for a while but felt something wasn’t quite right. Pricing and meeting clients’ demands. Straight away Richard shared his time, energy, experience, and expertise. Listening closely to my business backstory, mission, and vision he asked questions that guided me to discover more of my own unique immutable truths.

He was also more than willing to share his experience, knowledge and creative ideas too. We discussed a whole range of possibilities on the fly as we spoke, opening up my world to new possibilities and improved ways of serving my clients. All very doable and achievable for me.

I’m very grateful for our time and work together and can wholeheartedly recommend Richard if you’re seeking someone with extensive experience who truly listens to you and your problems and helps you solve them efficiently and effectively rather than the other way around.

Gitta Van Roy Founder, Living Souls

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘I feel elated and whole. So much made sense to me as I smiled my way home!’


‘An otherworldly experience. I’m more confident, less fearful, and more able.’