‘No more chronic pain, feeling more vital, and worrying less about life.’

'I had no idea what to expect from the shamanic healing session with Richard. I was experiencing more pain than usual the day of the session and doubted if I'd be able to lie down for very long because of the discomfort. During the session I was the most relaxed I think I've ever been.

I experienced what I call a clearing of the mind. Something that I haven't experienced for as long as I can remember. When Richard had finished and we began to talk about the shamanic work he'd carried out he mentioned that I'd been lying down for an hour. I couldn't believe it. 

Since the sessions I've been sleeping longer and better, and my pain has noticeably reduced. I've been experiencing chronic pain for many months now and aiming to reduce my reliance on painkillers.

This session and our planned ongoing work together is already and will be a great help with that. The initial discussion, the shamanic healing session, and the follow up conversation with Richard all combine to make this a powerful healing experience to be recommended.'

I've now had three shamanic healing sessions with Richard and feeling more vital, lighter, and brighter and worrying much less about the ups and downs of life. On the whole I feel better in myself mentally, emotionally, and physically.'

Geraint Jones, Retired Mechanic

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘I know what I need to do to move forward with more peace, ease, grace and flow.’


‘The mix of disciplines he draws upon stops his work from becoming predictable.’