‘Fear no longer takes over. A newfound resilience and acceptance of what comes.’

‘Since our session, I’ve noticed a lot of changes.

While I’ve been feeling very tired and a bit exhausted, I’ve also had some interesting experiences with my health. A few days after seeing you, I found myself dealing with an unexpected dental issue. Normally, I would have been filled with fear about it, but this time I just laughed it off. It was as if I had a newfound resilience and acceptance of what comes my way.

Despite the physical challenges, I haven’t let fear take over.

I feel much more at peace with things that would usually stress me out.

I think our session has helped me tremendously in dealing with these issues with a more balanced perspective. On a positive note, I feel good overall.

Thank you for checking in on me, Richard.

Your session has definitely made a significant impact, and I feel more at peace.

I’ll keep in touch and look forward to more sessions in the future.’

Based on post-session communications with a client who wishes to remain anonymous.

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster


‘I woke up feeling incredibly positive and ready to really work on myself. Thank you.’


‘I feel a sense of relief. I’m no longer feeling stressed. It has helped me tremendously.’