Being time and money resourceful.

Audio Transcript

I’d like you to keep in mind this article is intended to challenge your thinking.

I’m here to lead, direct, help, and support you on your way from where you are now to where you want to be, in as short amount a time as possible.

This may, at times feel uncomfortable, or not.

That’s up to you.

With an open mind, and an open heart I ask you to listen and re-listen to this so that you can be sure your thinking, doing, and being isn’t unconsciously led by negative emotions, doubt, and fear.

Regardless of how you decide to proceed, there is growth in acknowledging when, how, why, and in what form resistance to change shows up for us in different circumstances and contexts.

Ideally, we’d discuss this in person or on a call, but in these situations, I always feel that time is of the essence.

I don’t want this rare opportunity for you to transcend your current limitations, which of course we all have in some form or another, to get away from you, because of a conditioned unquestioned default way of thinking, doing, and being.

It’s clear to me that you are or certainly could be a yes to working together, in principle, in some form at some point in time, and that you’re feeling like a ‘not yet’ to committing at the moment for a number of reasons.

While I will be honing in and focussing on time and money during this communication be mindful that this work is relevant to everything and anything that’s presenting as a problem in your life, and as such, this approach can be applied accordingly.

With all of this in mind and given the commitment of time and money required to make a positive lasting change, as your coach, and champion, and knowing some of what you want to stride towards and transition away from, it’s my role, as I’ve already mentioned, to challenge your thinking while encouraging you to ’see’ more possibility within the apparent confines of your current situation so that you can ‘be’ open to and available for opportunities that might otherwise have appeared out of reach.

I do this at the very least for us to be clear and sure that what’s presenting as the obstacle, actually is what is holding you back from making this commitment to invest in yourself.

Ultimately your ‘being’ ready to commit is important to both of us, hence my questioning.

I believe that now, this moment, when we are in the thick of our problems, the crucible of life’s trials and tribulations if you like, is always the best time to wholeheartedly create who we are in relation to those very same obstacles that stand in our way.

Through exploration and creative thinking, we might be surprised to find that now, when we are super-busy and cash-strapped, rather than later, is indeed the best most favourable time to commit, exactly because the issues of time and money are presenting as the obstacle. Be aware these obstacles can be a symptom of something else that we’re not recognising, or facing as it comes up for us.

Some questions we might ask ourselves in these situations are:

What am I not seeing about this problem?

What are these issues of time and money really about? Go beyond the obvious.

What are the inner and outer conflicts that I’m struggling to reconcile that on resolving with an ‘both and’ as opposed to an ‘either or’ approach would free me to commit to this work now?

What am I doing or not doing that’s creating this experience for me right now?

How could confronting the obstacle head-on in this instance be the way to move forward surely and confidently?

What creative ways of being, thinking, and doing can I come up with to solve the problem? Don’t get hung up on whether they’ll actually work in the first instance. Brainstorm some ideas and make a note of them. Are they that outlandish?

Always be asking how am I creating this problem?

How can I look at this so-called obstacle differently? How can I see it in a new way? As an opportunity for expansion and growth?

Without these pressures and subsequent challenges to our related way of thinking, doing, and being, the impetus to change can often be relegated to the status quo, a tendency to postpone, and surrendering to ‘what is’ because there is comfort in the discomfort of what we already think or feel we know.

To create significant change we must move BEYOND Reasonable, BEYOND Comfort, and BEYOND Knowing. That’s where creation lives in the bigger picture of our lives and the detail of our day-to-day experience, especially in relation to our decisions and actions relating to the painful pressure points of time, money, and relationships. Not least the relationship with our Selves.

I would like you to explore the possibility that now is actually the right time for you.

Consider that together we can meet these go-to default reasons NOT to move forward, look under the surface to what else may be holding you back, and finally release any associated resistance to simply letting it go.

Can we stay together (be that with me or with yourself or BOTH) in this potentially uncomfortable conversation, for at least a moment more, rather than pushing it back or ‘running’ away from it?

Does that mean now will be the perfect time? Maybe not.

But both of us or ‘both’ of you will be more certain that it’s the right time for you to NOT take action.

It’s our job to create NOW as the right, and perfect time. Whether that’s today, in a few days, weeks, months, or even years.

It’s my role, or a coach’s role, to lead you and to teach you how to lead yourself around, over, or through the obstacles that are and will prevent you from being, who you need and want to be, and doing what you want and need to do in order to realise your dreams. 

Together we’ve started to outline a vision for what you’d love to create.

At the same time, we’ve uncovered some of the pain and suffering involved with staying the same and NOT taking action.

We’ve started to explore the risks of settling for what’s happening on the outside, externally to you, as unchangeable, as opposed to creating what you want proactively, rather than reactively, from both the inside out and outside in.

It may be true that a few months from now you might have ‘more space’, at least for a while.

Be mindful that there are many potential truths ‘in here’ in our selves, and out there in the reflected real-life experience we inhabit on a daily basis, that may serve you just as well if not better than the, safely does it, ‘now is not the time’ default response to instigating change.

Consider this for a moment. Could this ring true for you? The potential ‘point in time’ that you are looking forward to being more available, sufficiently resourced, and motivated to finally commit to overcoming these obstacles will more than likely have lost its power, importance, and urgency.

Might there be a strong chance you’ll feel drawn to settle back into remaining comfortable in the discomfort of old habits and behaviours that you have, understandably, grown accustomed to over the years?

The very discomfort that brought us together in the first place.

The thick and thin of the life, business, and money problems perhaps won’t feel as critical for a while, until of course the next time they arise and threaten your peace of mind, purpose, and prosperity once again.

This is alive for you now, right now.

There is no three or six months or a year from now. It doesn’t exist. Nothing will have changed significantly unless you take action now, ahead of time.

Our willingness to work with the apparent impediments to progress always increases the spirit with which we undertake right action today that moves us closer to achieving our short, medium, and longer-term goals.

I’m asking myself, and this is something you can ask yourself too, IS what you’ve got going on right now, in the wider context of your life and business, more important than committing to work on these obstacles within that context, where their impact is felt the most?

Just one small part of what I do is work with clients so they can get more done in less time.

Indeed the first book I wrote and published, Break Your Busy • Set Your Creativity Free - Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective, was my first deep dive into that very persistent problem.

If you haven’t already read it, let me know, and I’ll send you a copy.

This is an urgent call for us to get our heads together and work on ways to be more resourceful.

Being more resourceful will serve you now and for the rest of your life.

In being resourceful we find and explore ways for this kind of change catalyst to happen, now. 

As I’ve already said many times, now is always the best time, exactly because these recurring obstacles and their underlying counterparts are coming up for you and blocking your path.

Remember you reached out to me and made the effort to actually meet, with me, despite how busy you are.

You used your valuable time and energy to share with me what’s been going on for you, for a long time, for a reason.

Isn’t it time to eradicate the suffering?

Take a moment to revisit that which drove you to spend time with me, rather than using it to do one, more, or any of the many other things demanding your focus and attention.

You approached me for very good reason. An important reason.

Reconnect with that. Reconnect with your Self.

Now, I’m going to offer up some ideas for you to mull over before we next meet.

This is absolutely, first and foremost an investment in yourself.

The impact of doing this work together will be far-reaching.

It will impact your family, friends, and everyone you come in contact with, including your projects, career, and business.

Is there anything you could sell?

Often we have value locked away in possessions or property that we no longer really need or that will never really give us that financial or emotional return we were promised when we made that initial investment or purchase.

What is superfluous to you now? That you can be rid of to free up space, energy, attention, and focus that will release value that can then be put to better more profitable use. 

Could time and money be reallocated permanently or temporarily from another area of your life to another?

Can you borrow from yourself to invest in yourself, your career, and your business in the knowledge that this investment will last a lifetime and the return on investment will continually compound over time?

With this in mind have you considered mindfully, purposefully, and responsibly utilising debt as an investment in yourself and your business? Businesses use debt all the time to fund growth.

Personal growth and development which has a measurable impact on a business’s (or household’s) top and bottom line are deemed one of, if not the most important and critical investments a business or family can make in its leadership and management team.

Is there anything in your life that you wouldn’t hesitate to spend or invest this amount of time and money on? Tell me why? Why did you or do you allow yourself that, and not this?

Are you, your business, your aspirations, and your dreams, not worthy of that level of commitment, care, investment, and love?

What are the worst-case scenarios in relation to time and money in the first instance that are holding you back from taking this progressive step forward to invest in yourself and your business?

What would need to happen in your job, career, or business to recoup this ‘self-love’ investment in three, six, or twelve months’ time?

Would just a handful of additional sales cover the investment?

How many sales exactly?

What would need to happen for these additional sales to materialise?

How many new or existing client conversations would secure these sales?

Would increased efficiency get you there faster, with less effort?

What would it really take to get sufficiently organised to exceed the number of sales needed to not just get a single return on your investment but a 2x, 4x, or even a 10x return?

It’s all for you to create.

With my help, support, and guidance.

All of this and more we can explore together.

We can walk through different scenarios to discover the real obstacles and explore the most effective solutions, together.

This will be an investment in your ‘now’, your ‘present’, and your ‘future’.

It will be an invaluable skill set with which to navigate life, relationships, and business.

The best time for a coaching commitment is always right now.

I get it, nobody has the money lying around for this kind of work. 

And at the same time, the money can be found when we actually go looking for it.

And by that, I mean discussing alternative options and possibilities to the point of becoming more resourceful and creative in our approach to ‘solving’ the apparent problem. When we broaden our thinking and reframe that which appears to be the downside we can clearly see that this pales into insignificance when compared to continuing on as we are.

How do I know?

Because the reasons you’re not creating what you want are shouting ‘look at me!’

They’re constantly calling for attention.

And 99% of the time they’re always to do with time and money, which are often a cover story for unexplored fears related to ‘what if’ worst case scenarios.

This is a call to map out the worst-case scenarios that are polluting your thinking. Will they happen really? 

I want you to contemplate everything I’ve discussed while keeping in mind it is the quality of our thinking and consequent ways of being that largely determine our doing, and therefore our results, outcomes, and overall experience.

Just imagine for a moment, the positive impact of any and all, small, medium, and large changes to your perspective and outlook in relation to your life, relationships, and business.

Now imagine the consequent internal and external habits and behaviours that will reinforce your creative way of being, thinking, and doing and the knock-on effect on all areas of your life, not just the financial aspects.

Your decision to make this investment ‘in yourself’ combined with a strong commitment to do any inner and outer work you deem necessary is all that’s needed to create a life you love and a return that makes your initial investment seem like a drop in the ocean that has the power to quench your thirst for a lifetime.

Let’s talk through any fears, uncertainties, and doubts that are coming up for you.

I’m just a call away.

Richard Conner

Founder • CEO • Flowcaster

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